Sometimes, presentation can get confusing. When you asked to present something, what would you feel? Maybe you will worry that your presentation won’t be interesting. Or, you worry about your performance on stage. Even though, amazing presentation is the key for the successful presentation.
You may feel afraid or worry for many reason. It’s very human if you feel worry or afraid before your presentation. But, you have to minimize those feelings for your own sake. You can minimize your bad feelings with confidence. Without it, then you will not perform well.
If you want to have confidence, you have to prepare. You as a presenter and your presentation material. When you have prepared, then you will have the confidence. A good material can give you enough confidence to present it.
But, it doesn’t mean that you have to spend all of your time, just to prepare your material. You have to do something else, too. You have to practice and you have to rest.
But, you don’t have to worry. Some world class presenters share their secrets. Their presentation skill is one of their key to success.
Here are their tips:
Tip #1: Tell the audience your points
It’s okay to tell about numbers in your presentation. But, if there too much numbers, your audience will be tired. So, use numbers if only it necessary. Show the numbers creatively, like in diagrams or tables.
In addition to data in numbers, another data and facts should be presented in a creative way, so it will be interesting for the audience. Tell them about those data and facts, only those relevant to the purpose of your presentation. Too much data will kill your audience.
Tip #2: Use the attractive templates
Although it may seems trivial, slide shows can help make your presentations more interesting. For that, take a minute to choose or design an attractive template. It would be better if the presentation template is made ‘in line’ with the intent and purpose of your presentation.
In addition to templates, use visuals that are suitable with the material that you want to convey. This visual includes images, videos, colors, and font that will be used. Thus, to representing the intent and purpose of the presentation, this visual material must also be eye catchy, to attract attention and not make the audience feel bored quickly.
Tip #3: Use the big letter
Big means that the size of the letters is have to easily read by the audience. Besides, the appearance of these large letters will make the audience to focus on the material displayed on the presentation slide.
Also use the same typeface in the presentation material. A matching font can also help your audience stay focused on what you are saying during presentation.
Tip #4: Think about GPS
Dave Paradi recommends that you imagine GPS when making presentation material. The presentation material that you are going to deliver must have a clear flow, from the opening, the content, to the closing presentation. All of that must trace, so that the audience’s attention is not interrupted, until eventually they will do what you expect.
Tip #5: Use manual before digital
Before you make presentation material using a computer, it’s good to design the material by hand. The aim is to make it easier for you to explore, what you should convey and how the delivery flow, so that it is more interesting and effective.
After your material is more conceptualized, complete with visualization to be conveyed, then the material can be created using a computer.
Tip #6: Thinks as an audience
Before making presentation material, first think that you are the audience who will attend the presentation. If you are in a position as an audience, what information do you want to get, or how to deliver the presentation material that you want. But, of course you should already ‘know’ who would be your audience.
By thinking as an audience, you will make presentation materials according to their needs, not according to your own desires. You do have certain goals and objectives that must be conveyed. But, it must be collaborated with the needs of the audience. Material that fits the audience’s point of view will make presentations more interesting and easier to understand.
Isn’t it simple? To make a stunning presentation cannot be in the blink of an eye. Experiences are required. For that reason, presentation training can be one way to become a reliable presenter.