Download This Ebook “Killer Presentation”
This book will help you improve your presentation skills to the next level.
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After reading Killer Presentation cover to cover, I found it very comprehensive, easy to understand, and most importantly, easy to implement!
Paired with personal coaching, this book opens the door to excellence in presenting your ideas en masse. Thank you Noer!
What are you going to learn?
Presentation Objective
Find the objective of your presentation by knowing your audience. So you can structuring your presentation.
Working with Equipments
Understand how every instrument work in presentation. Good understanding of the tools will help you deliver the best presentation.
Designing Your Slides
Make a world class presentation by understanding the principles of making slide presentations from experts.
Performing a Killer Presentation
You are the star! get rid of your Anxiety and deal with things that are unexpected correctly.
What do they say about this book?
Killer Presentations is full of simple yet powerful insights which propel your point to your target audience, inviting and challenging them to accept your message.
I wholly recommend this book to those who wish to communicate rather than lecture.
Presentation skill is one of the key soft skills to master no matter which profession you belong to.
This book will have all you need to develop and enhance your presentation. Enjoy the journey and remember to practice!
Mastering the skill and art of delivering a good presentation puts you ahead of your corporate progression.
Read this book by Noer and take your first step to get ahead.
This is a concise book to help you preparing a “killer presentation”. Highly recommended for sales or marketing team, students or anyone who need a guide towards a presentation that will deliver.
Readers can feel the passion that the author has put into this book that he prepared meticulously and he himself has spent long hours giving public lecture and trainings in various company. This book will definitely guide you step by step building a compelling presentation!
Absolutely a book worth reading!
Author Profile

Muhammad Noer
Muhammad Noer was born in Medan, Indonesia, on November 9, 1979. He is the founder and Master Trainer of Presenta Edu, a training consultant company based in Indonesia.
He graduated from University of Indonesia majoring in Marketing and Human Resources.
He is also a certified international Human Resources professional from Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), UK.
He has long experience as a trainer in various local and international organizations. He has trained thousand professional from many companies across different industries. His client includes Unilever, Danone, PZ Cussons, Samsung Electronics, Nissan Motor, Allianz, FWD Life, Bank Central Asia, Bank Negara Indonesia, and many others.
In his spare time, he is also active as a blogger and book writer.
Before running his own company, he had an excellent career for eleven years at Unilever. He started as Management Trainee, Human Resources Manager in Cikarang and Rungkut Factory (Indonesia), Human Resources Manager for Supply Chain Asia, Africa, Central Europe (Singapore), and Corporate Industrial Relations Manager (Indonesia). His last position as Senior Human Resources Manager for Global Sales based out of Singapore managing talent and organization for global salespeople spread across more than 25 countries.
In 2015, he resigned from the company to pursue his passion for teaching people as a trainer and building Presenta Edu, a training consultant company based in Jakarta.
He is passionate about teaching especially presentation and communication skills. His website, presentasi.net, is the most extensive website about presentation topics in Indonesia, with more than 50,000 subscribers. The site is also translated into English at BestPresentation.net for a broader audience.
In 2011, he talked at TEDx Jakarta, an event featuring Indonesian inspirational speakers from various fields of expertise. His TED talk was about How to Read 52 Books in a Year.
Noer has published several books in various topics: Speed Reading for Beginners (Gramedia), Creative Technique for Amazing Presentation (Elex Media), Speed Reading for Students and Teenager (Grasindo), and Essential Skills for New Manager (Presenta).